In situ \In si"tu\adv. & adj. [L.]
1. In its natural or original position or place.
Most beginner level adventure riding skill courses provide a cursory survey of a host of riding techniques. Skilzdrills traditionally delve into a particular riding skill, or 2-3 related skills. "And now for something completely different:" This class will focus on... a ride. Inspired by novice riders' experiences & requests during the Ventura County Adventure Ride Series (VCARS), "In Situ" classes are as real world as ride instruction gets.
We're embarking on a guided day ride! However, the route will be the template on which we lay the fabric of a day's instruction, which will take form to fit the chosen terrain. Beginning even before we leave pavement, we will stop en masse at each spot where the route offers a "talking point", to discuss and model how not just a novice rider, but also a more experienced rider, might manage the particular section of terrain under scrutiny. In effect, skill topics will be chosen by the route itself, and may include body position, cornering technique, simultaneous multiple control use, cornering options, tire lofting, braking techniques, line selection, tire pressure, or a host of other subjects.
We will be stopping at nearly every major change in the terrain. Each stop will begin with guided visual assessment of the terrain at hand - this in itself is an invaluable skill for any adventure rider to learn to do on the fly - followed by description of at least three of the multiple options that are always available for managing a given section of terrain, along with the different skills that each option may require of the rider.
Time will be spent discussing & modeling how a novice rider might manage a given section of terrain, as well as how a rider with more tools in his riding-skill belt might handle the same section. Finally, we will each ride the section, with observation & further discussion / question-answer to follow if warranted.
Our route should provide challenges that test the novice, and provide more advanced students opportunities to learn techniques that will allow them to surmount the same obstacles at higher average speed and/or while expending less energy, et cetera: A single obstacle may provide very different learning opportunities for different riders. We will "officially" wrap up class at 3:30, regardless of where we are at that point. Be sure to byo lunch for our mid-day trail stop, as well as snacks to keep brain & body going throughout the day.
We're embarking on a guided day ride! However, the route will be the template on which we lay the fabric of a day's instruction, which will take form to fit the chosen terrain. Beginning even before we leave pavement, we will stop en masse at each spot where the route offers a "talking point", to discuss and model how not just a novice rider, but also a more experienced rider, might manage the particular section of terrain under scrutiny. In effect, skill topics will be chosen by the route itself, and may include body position, cornering technique, simultaneous multiple control use, cornering options, tire lofting, braking techniques, line selection, tire pressure, or a host of other subjects.
We will be stopping at nearly every major change in the terrain. Each stop will begin with guided visual assessment of the terrain at hand - this in itself is an invaluable skill for any adventure rider to learn to do on the fly - followed by description of at least three of the multiple options that are always available for managing a given section of terrain, along with the different skills that each option may require of the rider.
Time will be spent discussing & modeling how a novice rider might manage a given section of terrain, as well as how a rider with more tools in his riding-skill belt might handle the same section. Finally, we will each ride the section, with observation & further discussion / question-answer to follow if warranted.
Our route should provide challenges that test the novice, and provide more advanced students opportunities to learn techniques that will allow them to surmount the same obstacles at higher average speed and/or while expending less energy, et cetera: A single obstacle may provide very different learning opportunities for different riders. We will "officially" wrap up class at 3:30, regardless of where we are at that point. Be sure to byo lunch for our mid-day trail stop, as well as snacks to keep brain & body going throughout the day.